Media studies

Journey of an Essay
This is a guide for students on how to write a well-rounded essay answer for the WJEC Film Studies exams. This can also be adapted to other subjects, and be appropriate for GCSE and A-Level standard. Would be especially handy around revision time!

Film Language Glossary
A fill-in activity sheet for film and media students to check their knowledge of essential key terminology.

Analysing Music Videos
This is an introductory lesson on how to effectively identify the different types of music videos and sub genres, with example answers and examples of specific videos.
The lesson includes:
In-concert and ‘as live’ footage
Animation (stop motion, digital)
Referencing & homage

Documentary/Factual Programme Production
An introduction to teaching about documentaries - covers elements such as:
different types of research (quantitative and qualitative, etc)
ethical issues
different documentary formats
discussion points.

A-Level Film Studies - Vertigo
Resource on Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo for WJEC A-Level Film Studies.
Info on Vertigo
Notes on cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound
Hitchcock as an Auteur
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)

A-Level Film Studies - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Resource on Milos Forman’s One Floew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for WJEC A-Level Film Studies.
Info on OFOTCN
Notes on cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound
Representations of gender, age, ethnicity, mental health and the profession
Social contexts
The failure of democracy
Milos Forman as an Auteur
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)

A-Level Film Studies - Experimental Surrealism
I know this is a great lesson because I used it for a microteach and got the job!
An introduction to Experimental Surrealism for WJEC A-Level Film Studies.
Some Art references as a way in/discussion point
Key features
Donnie Darko as an accessible introduction text
The viewer experience
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)

A-Level Film Studies - Frances Ha! - Spectatorship and Ideology
Resource on Noah Baumbach’s Frances Ha! for WJEC A-Level Film Studies - American Films since 2005.
Info on Frances Ha!
Key scenes
Feminist ideology
Political ideology
French New Wave influence
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)

A-Level Film Studies - Experimental Film - Vivre sa Vie
Resource on Jean-Luc Godard’s Vivre sa Vie for WJEC A-Level Film Studies Component 2 - Experimental Film.
Info on Vivre sa Vie
Notes on French New Wave
Contexts with Truffaut and Anna Karina
Contexts of the film, representations of gender
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)

A-Level Film Studies - Documentary - Amy
Resource on Asif Kapadia’s Amy for WJEC A-Level Film Studies Component 2 - Global Filmmaking Perspectives.
Info on Amy
Notes on Formalist and Realist film
Alexandre Astruc
Digital technologies debates and ethics
Editing techniques of documentary
and more!
(Apologies that this is listed under Media Studies - TES doesn’t have a Film Studies option yet!)